

Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


Two new Vice Deans appointed in Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences

24 July 2019

This spring, Sasha Roseneil, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences, created two new Vice Dean roles within the Faculty: Vice Dean (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and Vice Dean (Advancement).

Earlier this month, the Dean was delighted to announce the following successful appointments to the SHS Leadership Team:

  •     Dr Michael Collins - Vice Dean (Advancement)

  •     Professor Anson Mackay - Vice Dean (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)

Michael and Anson will begin their roles in September on a 0.2fte basis, bringing new energy and focus to the Faculty’s work in these important areas.

Dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences, Sasha Roseneil, shares her excitement to work with two new Vice Deans, and the great benefit this new focus will bring to the Faculty:

I am very excited that Anson and Michael will be joining the SHS Leadership Team. Having dedicated Vice Deans for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and for Advancement will make a real difference to our work in these areas. Both Anson and Michael come to these roles with enormous energy, enthusiasm and vision. I look forward to working with them in pursuing our collective ambitions to make the Faculty a radically more diverse, equal and inclusive place to work and study, to develop stronger, life-long relationships with our alumni, and to explore possibilities of securing significant new philanthropic investment in our activities, particularly postgraduate studentships”.

Find out below what Anson and Michael are looking forward to in their new roles:

Professor Anson Mackay - Vice Dean (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)

"I’m very proud of UCL, and have worked here for over 25 years, and while many inroads have been made into equality of opportunity, aspects of diversity and inclusion lag behind, for both students and staff. I’m excited to work with the new network of Vice Deans for EDI that has been set up across UCL. I think that this provides a real possibility to effect change, both in terms of improving representation of minority staff, and making the university a more equitable place to work and study".

Dr Michael Collins - Vice Dean (Advancement)

"Vice Dean for Advancement is a new role in Social and Historical Sciences that offers an opportunity to develop the faculty’s income streams, particularly with a view to funding postgraduate studies and enabling students from non-traditional backroads to pursue further study. I see my role as identifying funding needs within the faculty and communicating the research and teaching work of the faculty upwards to the Vice Provost’s Office for Advancement and outwards to a global community of alumni and potential donors. I am very excited about beginning this work ahead of the new academic year, starting with a process of consultation with staff and students".