

Speech Research Group


Guangting Mai


Guanting Mai

My current project involves auditory evaluation and training of pitch processing in hearing aid users via behavioral testing and brain imaging tools of EEG and fNIRS. The project aims to estimate the effects of hearing aid fitment and to help improve auditory and speech functions in hearing aid users. I am supervised by Professor Peter Howell and Professor Stuart Rosen.


Mai, G., & Peng, G. (2011). Optimal syllabic rates and processing units in perceiving Mandarin spoken sentences. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech 2011), 2477-2480.

Mai, G. (2012). Relative importance of temporal envelope and fine structure cues in low- and high-order harmonic regions for Mandarin lexical-tone recognition. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech 2012), 1856-1859.

Mai, G., Minett, J. W., & Wang, W. S-Y. (2013). Effects of envelope filter cutoff frequency on the intelligibility of noise-vocoded speech in babble noise: Implications for cochlear implants. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech 2013), 3646-3650.

Mai, G. (2014). Relative importance of AM and FM cues for speech comprehension: Effects of speaking rate and their implications for neurophysiological processing of speech. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech 2014), 2585-2589.

Mai, G. (2014). Hormone effects on speech processing in normal menstrual-cycling females: A data mining study. (MSc thesis, Sheffield, with Distinction).