

Office of the Vice-President (Strategy)


Strategy implementation and review

Managing the development of UCL's Strategic Plan, driving and monitoring progress towards its goals, and supporting the strategic planning cycle and new programme initiation

UCL Strategic Plan

The Strategy team manages the development of UCL’s Strategic Plan, which sets out our whole-university priorities, focusing effort and investment on a programme of change to support our 2034 vision and mission. Read UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27

We provide foresight and analysis to inform decision making. We monitor and report on the university’s progress towards the goals set out in the strategic plan and on activity which contributes to our seven strategic outcome areas. We also coordinate and support UCL’s broad strategic project portfolio. The first Strategic Plan progress report, covering January to May 2023, is published on our (UCL password required).

Strategic planning cycle, including student number planning

Our team of Strategy Delivery Account Managers oversees the strategic planning cycle, providing guidance, data and insight to support faculties and the offices of Vice-Provosts and Vice-Presidents to put together and monitor their strategic plans. We also work with faculties to plan student numbers and set tuition fees. 

New programme initiation (PMAP Stage Zero)

Strategy Delivery Account Managers support faculties with new programme initiation, otherwise known as ‘Stage Zero’ of the Programme and Module Amendment and Approval process (PMAP), which assesses the viability of proposed new programmes before the full design process gets underway. Find out more about how to initiate a new programme through Stage Zero.

Risk management

The team also provide support to the Office of the General Counsel on .