



The support we provide

There are multiple avenues of support available for students °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼, by registering for support we can work together to ensure you have appropriate access to reasonable adjustments and more.

Who we can support

At UCL we provide support for all disabled students who presently meet the  criteria, or may meet the criteria in the future.

The law defines a disabled person as someone with:

A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term (likely to last for 12 months or more) adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • A long-term physical or mental health condition, including those of a fluctuating or progressive nature.
  • A physical or sensory impairment.
  • Autism.
  • A specific learning difference (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD.
  • This includes conditions developed or diagnosed during your studies.

Not sure about your disability or condition?

Citizens Advice provides comprehensive information if you are not sure if you have a disability that meets the legal definition.


Discuss your options with us

 if you're still unsure whether what you're experiencing could need support now or in the future.

When we might refer you to another service

Our primary purpose is to support students who have a:

  • Physical or mental health disability;
  • Long-term condition;
  • Long-term illness, and/or are;
  • Likely to experience such a difficulty in the future.

Explore the UCL Student Support Framework

For a fuller guide about when to use reasonable adjustments, read more in UCL's Student Support Framework, Section 3.

Read the UCL Student Support Framework.

In most cases, your GP will be the best source of support

If you need long-term non-academic support for all health conditions, for both physical and mental health, you should ask your GP.

If you already have some contact with your GP, register with us so we can draft your Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SoRA).

Find out more about registering with a GP.

Get support from Students' Union UCL

The Students' Union team will be able to provide advise surrounding many areas from complaints, money to academic issues.


Get support for a temporary illness or injury

In some cases, a temporary illness or injury may be better supported by:

The UCL Student Support Framework or, Academic adjustments via your department.

Wellbeing and counselling support

We can support students experiencing mental health difficulties that might not meet definitions of a disability – this may be through a supportive conversation with one of our advisers at an appointment or through counselling provided by our Student Psychological and Counselling Services (SPCS) team.

Find out more about mental health and wellbeing support.

Spotlight on: Life °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼ with an unseen disability

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[Video: 1 min 57 secs. Hardcoded captions.]

Reasonable adjustments and other types of support we offer

To ensure appropriate support is applied, we:

  • Discuss how a disability or long-term condition affects access to education;
  • Assess on a case-by-case basis;
  • Explore your past support, experiences and expectations with you;
  • Consider your programme of study and departmental limitations;
  • Review your medical evidence.

Adjustments and support cover different areas such as:

  • Human (Non-medical helper) support.
  • Physical support.
  • Lecture, assignment and exam support.
  • Assistive technology.

Your needs and adjustments are drafted and saved in a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SoRA) document which you and your department can access. If you feel you need further amendments, contact the Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing team on askUCL.

Find out how to register for support with SSW.

When an adjustment is generally only provided to students with a specific type of disability, we highlight this. This list is not exhaustive, so please get in contact with us to discuss your adjustments further.

Prospective students

Guided tours of campus

Guided tours can be arranged before you arrive during the summer or just before the start of term as a way for you to become familiar with getting around campus. These are particularly useful for students with visual impairments and mobility disabilities.

Autism welcome event

This provides an opportunity for autistic applicants and their guardians and/or caregivers to find out more about UCL support services, tour the campus, learn more about university life and meet other autistic applicants and students.

Our team will send an invite during the last 2 weeks of July or the last 2 weeks of August if you have noted 'Autism Spectrum Condition ASC' on your Applicant Support Questionnaire (ASQ).

If you haven't had the chance to complete the ASQ or haven't received an invite, please email us via student.wellbeing@ucl.ac.uk to let us know you'd like to attend.

Accessibility around campus

We can liaise with the UCL Estates team and your department to ensure that physical barriers in the built environment don't affect your ability to study effectively.

This includes working with your department for complex cases related to our more aged or complex buildings.

We can also support with specific environments such as avoiding crowded or loud spaces.

Support with taxi travel for academic purposes

Pre-approved taxi routes from your accommodation to a UCL building can be arranged by our advisers. This is arranged by us if:

  • You are Research Council funded and you've been awarded taxi travel.
  • You are ineligible for external disability funding.
  • This will require an assessment by a Disability Adviser °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼.
  • The journeys are for teaching, learning and examination purposes related to your UCL studies.

Department-led evacuation plans

To ensure your safety °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼, your department, and if relevant, UCL Accommodation, must be aware about your needs so that you can safely evacuate from your learning space or accommodation in the event of an emergency.

In some cases, a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) may be required for a temporary injury or illness.

The PEEP will be written with you to ensure it is specific to your needs and will be reviewed during your time with UCL to ensure it remains accurate and appropriate.

Read full details on the PEEP process and access the form.


If you require reasonable adjustments within UCL managed accommodation, you should , as soon as possible.

When applying, please provide the Accommodation team with information on your needs and medical evidence to support your request(s).

Learn more about Accommodation °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼.

Apply for higher spec accommodation at no extra cost

This could mean being allocated an en-suite, larger or accessible room charged at the standard room rate for your chosen halls of residence. This is to ensure your reasonable adjustments are met.

You will need to apply for this and provide the appropriate evidence, dated no later than 12 months prior to your accommodation application.

Find out more about accessing adjustments to your rent.

Continue living °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼ accommodation beyond first year

UCL managed accommodation cannot be guaranteed for second year disabled students but the Accommodation team will do their best to allocate an appropriate room.

Allocation is based on the number of applicants each year so we strongly advise that also you look into other forms of accommodation as a back-up.


Lectures and assignments

Recorded lectures

There are many tools such as Lecturecast for scheduling and recording lectures held in UCL recording-enabled teaching spaces.

Recordings of lectures can be made available to students via Moodle to support student learning.

Prioritised reading lists

In your SoRA, you can request that your department provide prioritised reading lists where appropriate. This will enable you to find out about, obtain and digest readings relevant to your programme of study ahead of time.

Hand-outs and lecture notes in alternative formats

We can ask your department to provide hand-outs and lecture notes in alternative formats such as via email, or in large print or braille slides in advance of teaching sessions.

Exams and coursework

Adjustments during your departmental and central exams

Adjustment you can receive depend on:

  • Central and departmental deadlines for SoRAs.
  • Your individual circumstances.
  • Your department's individual policies.

Examination: more time and breaks

We can provide students with extra time and/or breaks when sitting their exams. How much extra time or breaks you receive will depend on your individual circumstances and will be made clear with one of our advisers.

Examination: assistive technology, medication and food

During an advisory appointment, you can discuss your exam adjustment requirements. This can include the use of assistive technology, bringing in medication, and food, for example.

You may be able to use a PC and assistive technology to enable you to effectively undertake your exam. This will all be discussed with an adviser and outlined in your SoRA.

Extended library loans

During your SoRA appointment you can request for extended library loans. This will allow you to keep library materials for longer, giving you more time to process the required information.

Find out more about borrowing books at the UCL library.

Aside from extended loans, the Library team provide a wide variety of services such as inductions for disabled students and their support workers, tours and much more.

Find out more about disabled student support in UCL libraries.

Assistive technology

There are multiple ways to access assistive technology °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼ to improve access to your teaching and studies.

  • Students eligible for disability-related funding can have it paid for them.
  • Students who are unable to access external funding can contact our team and we'll discuss your options.
  • The Digital Accessibility Hub after getting a summary of reasonable adjustment (SoRA).

Find out more about assistive technology access °ÄÃÅÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼.

Access to the Digital Accessibility Hub

There is a Digital Accessibility Hub (The Hub) on the Bloomsbury and UCL East campus'.

The Hub is a dedicated IT workroom and team of advisers that provides improved access to study independently using a variety of assistive technology software. Software available includes: Dragon, Inspiration, Read & Write Gold, ZoomText and more.

The Hub advisers are also able to offer you support to access software that are unfamiliar to you. Ask your adviser to request access to the hub in your SoRA.

Find out more about the Digital Accessibility Hub on the ISD (Information Services Division) website.

Physical and NMH support

Sign language interpreters and lipspeakers

We can provide British sign language interpreters or lipspeakers (as appropriate) for assistance in lectures and seminars, group work or any other teaching and learning activity.

Same day and advisory appointments

Our team offer weekly same day and longer advisory appointments for students. They are available throughout the year, Monday to Friday except UCL closure days. Our appointments are held in-person, over the phone, or via MS Team video call or chat.

Find out more about our same day and advisory appointments and how to book.

Specific learning differences screenings

We offer a no-fee screening for dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD indicators. We also provide other forms of support to remove as many barriers as possible. The academic screening report is also accepted by Student Finance England as evidence to apply for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA).

Learn more about what an 'SpLD' is and how we can support you.

Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) funding

We can support you with:

  • Understanding the form or .
  • Providing confirmation of your studies.

Learn more about disability funding.

Counselling, mental health and wellbeing support

Students experiencing mental health difficulties may seek support through a supportive conversation with one of our Mental Health coordinators.

Depending on your condition, they can support you with:

  • Drafting a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SoRA) to support your studies.
  • Referral to psychological or counselling support via the Student Psychological and Counselling Services (SPCS) team.
  • Referral to mental health mentoring, including specialist services for autistic students.
  • Referral to external partners such as Camden BEAM (for students age 25 and below).

Find out more about mental health, wellbeing and counselling support.

Specialist Study Skills Tutoring and Mental Health Mentoring

To help our students manage any impact on their studies as a neurodivergent student, including mental health conditions, we provide access to two specialist services, Study Skills Tutoring and Mental Health Mentoring, where you'll be provided with either targeted study skills tutoring or mentoring to help you to navigate and remove the barriers you face to learning.

Eligible for DSA or alternative disability funding

We can support you to apply for appropriate funding to receive these services. This includes funding interim sessions while you're applying.

Not eligible for external disability funding

Get in touch with us to find out how we can support you with funding for or .

Find out more about how to book your first study skills session.

Want to know the difference between Specialist Mentors and Specialist Study Skills Tutors?

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