

Teaching & Learning


Providing video feedback on assessments

Tom Langston, UCL Arena/HEDS, on giving personalised feedback using screen capture software that allowed the students to view the process.

25 June 2024

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Video feedback

In this microCPD I talk about my experience of media-based feedback, specifically how I developed the use of video feedback for portfolio assessments on a Level 7 ().

I’ve seen multi-media feedback used by a few colleagues in various departments: a colleague at my previous institution used their mobile phone to record audio feedback for business students. For a colleague teaching in a clinical setting, they ran a case study exam (on Moodle) with each question laying out a narrative through a specific scenario. They were able to analyse the student groups answers while filming themselves, using the lab as a setting to demonstrate parts of the situation the students had encountered.

The history of feedback on the Level 7

While I was undertaking the Level 7 as a student, I had to complete a portfolio as well as a writing a journal article that “could” be published in a journal of my choice. Following the guidelines of the chosen journal as the formatting guide, this was the main focus of the assessment and was marked through annotations on Turnitin with a summative general text comment.

The portfolio was made of multiple reflective blogs that demonstrated our understanding of specific subjects. Across the two years of study, the feedback was more innovative and consisted of a short audio file that could be downloaded from the VLE (Moodle).

As a student it was a useful approach as it felt personal but was slightly hard to follow and was not necessarily targeting each blog post but was much more holistic to your writing style.

Developing video feedback

Upon completing the Level 7, through my role I started to get more involved with the following cohorts. I became part of the course team and fed back my feelings towards the assessment and feedback. Working with the course team, I devised an approach using screen capture software that allowed the students to see us giving our comments as well as their text and grading rubric side by side. We could use our mouse to highlight sections of the text and give clear feedback around the portfolio reflections.

The benefits of video feedback

1. Tracking the feedback

Depending on the system used, it is possible to track the student’s engagement with the feedback. This means you could see how long they engaged with the feedback for; if they watched all the feedback or if they skipped parts of the video. As this was a Level 7, the engagement with the feedback was higher as the students (who were also staff) had an understanding of the importance of learning from the feedback to improve their future studies.

2. Positive engagement

When the feedback was released to students, over the next week I started to receive very positive comments from those I had marked. Even if I had given them a poor grade, they emailed to say thank you for the valuable explanation of where they had missed the elements on the grading criteria. The students valued the clear breakdown of their work and how they could improve it for the next years portfolio work. It let them understand what we as markers were looking for and where they had missed those elements in the current submission.

3. Creating a dialogue

Once the students had received their feedback, they were more comfortable in contacting the team to ask any questions about their work. They were also more communicative when starting the second year of study, checking that they understood what was required of them for the next portfolio. The conversations were constructive and as mentioned, even those with lower grades found the feedback positive and relevant to their studies. They knew where to focus their energy and what that might mean going forward.

How to record a screencast

There are a number of ways to record a screencast. The easiest to use is .

Under 'Create new', click 'Screen recording'.

There are lots of extra options: you can create a script which will show on an autocue, add text or images to the video... hover your mouse over the different icons to see what they do.

Refer to Microsoft's  if needed.

After you've finished, you'll be given the option to edit the video (for example, by trimming the start and end). The video will be saved to your OneDrive, where it can be shared like any other file. This is what was used to make Tom's demo video above.