

Transforming Our Professional Services


Launch of the CAM UCL Professional Services Career Framework

20 February 2019

On 13 February the first of a series of Career Frameworks for UCL was launched.

Image of two staff members reading the Career Framework booklet

The Communications and Marketing (CAM) UCL Professional Services Career Framework is the first of a series of Career Frameworks being developed collaboratively between the UCL’s Communities of Practice (CoPs), HR's Organisational Development Team (OD) and the Transforming our Professional Services Programme (TOPS).

The Framework identifies the experience and skills expected for different roles within CAM, provides guidance on recommended development options and includes case-studies from UCL colleagues on their career paths.

CAM Launch

The CAM UCL Professionals Services Career Framework was launched at the CAM Plus Business Meeting on 13 February. A Career Framework booklet in both print and PDF form, as well as a new Career Pathways website providing guidance on how to use the Framework, are now available.

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Collette Lux, Head of CAM and project sponsor for the CAM UCL Professional Services Careers Framework said:

““Whether you’re starting out in your CAM career, establishing yourself or looking to take the next step, Career Pathways offerevery member of CAM Plus, opportunities to find out what they need to develop their skills, seek out experiences and progress their careers.
It will help create more consistent approaches and practices to progression across the UCL community, making it easier to understand all the career options available, whether that means moving to new roles across UCL or with your current division.”
How they were developed

The Framework was developed through working with CAM Plus which includes colleagues who work in communications and marketing roles in Facultyand Central Professional Services.

CAM Plus:

  • Ran a series of focus groups to identify the key skills and experience needed to succeed ʷ¼ in a communications and marketing role
  • Provided guidance on how to develop these skills and get experience
  • Designed the structure of the framework and shared case-studies of their own experiences

The resulting work was then sent to around 100 testers to confirm that it felt right and was shared with members of PSLT, the PSLT forum group, Faculty Operational Managers and Directors and the HR community for input.

Next steps

We are now beginning to map out the next series of Career Frameworks forHR, Project and Programme Managementand Student Registry and Support (SRS).

The CAM framework pilot will be evaluated through staff feedback and analytics and we will feed these findings into future frameworks.

Further areas planned for 2019 include ISD and Technicians. As more Career Frameworks are built in 2019 and 2020, staff will gain increasing insight into career development opportunities across the organisation and how their skills might be transferable.

More on Career Frameworks