

Transforming Our Professional Services


Faculty TOPS project: We’ve started the self-assessment phase

28 May 2019

The aim of the Faculty TOPS project is to understand how the TOPS Programme applies to Faculty professional services. 

Photo of a view of the quad from the portico

As part of this project, a Faculty Blueprint has been developed. 

The Faculty Blueprint provides a checklist of professional services functions to ensure these are delivered within, or to, a Faculty.

The Blueprint also lists a series of principles to help Faculties consider how they could benefit from: more consistency (where it makes sense); more effective services; more fulfilling careers; greater integration across all professional services and clearer responsibilities for decision making.

Self-assessment phase

In May, Faculties started a phase called ‘self-assessment’. 

During this phase, the Faculty Directors of Operations are sharing the Blueprint with colleagues to reflect on how professional services are currently delivered and how the Blueprint could apply to their Faculty professional services.

Each Faculty is managing self-assessment in their own way.

All colleagues are invited to contribute ideas and share their feedback on the Faculty Blueprint as part of self-assessment. If you would like to, please contact your line manager, departmental manager or Director of Operations to find out how. 

The Faculty Blueprint and a series of FAQs can be found on the TOPS website.

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