

Transforming Our Professional Services


We’re building a cross-function PS Service Catalogue

27 November 2019

Through working with teams across UCL we are developing an overall, cross-function Service Catalogue to clearly define the professional services we provide.

Stock image of a jigsaw puzzle

The Service Catalogue will clearly define the professional services we provide – in a consistent format – in terms of who they are for, who owns them, how often they are provided, where they are provided from, how they depend on other areas and who is accountable for their delivery. This will:

•    Help us identify what is or isn’t working, where work is being duplicated, and where there are gaps in our services. 
•    Reduce confusion through making it clear what services we offer, and who is responsible for them.
•    Make it easier for faculty based and centrally based services to collaborate.
•    Provide ISD with a consistent view of technology needs.

We are building this by working with each PS area, with faculties and with service users throughout the community to develop individual service catalogues. We’re then working to connect these and map out what the future services could look like. 

Progress so far

So far we’ve held workshops with HR, CAM, Planning, the PS Hub, ISD and Estates and we will engage with SRS and Legal soon. Similar work is underway within Research Support, Procurement and Finance as part of other projects so we will build this into the overall catalogue. 

We have also developed an overall Service Catalogue design and will be populating this over the coming months.

Once we have developed a draft Service Catalogue, this will be reviewed by each professional services area and faculty representatives before being taken to TOPS Executive and PSLT for final approval. We plan to have a final working version in January 2020.

More about the Service Catalogue