

Transforming Our Professional Services


Faculty Futures: We’ve finished self-assessment and are starting the next phase of the project

26 February 2020

We’re starting the design and implementation phase of the project. During this phase we will be working with Faculties to develop new ways of working which are more closely aligned to the Faculty Blueprint.

Photo of students in the main quad

This will involve supporting colleagues to use smarter working tools and techniques, improve processes and develop the culture of collaboration we need to be successful into the future. 

What has happened since September 2019?

Since September 2019, the Faculty Futures team (previously Faculty TOPS) has been reviewing the self-assessments completed by all the Faculties. You can read more about the self-assessment phase in our news article from September 2019.

We have been working with colleagues across UCL to develop the plans for the delivery and implementation phase of the project. In particular, we’ve been considering how we can help deliver better services to Faculties and support our professional services colleagues to develop their skills and careers. 

The Faculty Futures business case was approved by the TOPS Executive at the end of January 2020 and again by the UCL Senior Management Team (SMT) in February 2020. This was a significant milestone for the project. 

What will happen next?

During design and implementation we will be focussing on four priority areas. These are:

  1. Equipping our people for change – We will support Faculty leadership, Departmental Managers and HR Business Partners to lead and deliver change. We’ll give them access to the latest transformational thinking, methodologies and toolkits to support them in leading, championing and implementing change.
  2. Supporting Faculty strategies – We will work with Faculties to design and implement new ways of working which are more aligned to the principles in the Faculty Blueprint. These changes will be based on the areas considered during the ‘self-assessment’ phase.
  3. Enabling Transformer benefits – We will work in partnership with the TOPS Transformer projects, and other projects across UCL, to understand how these projects will impact faculties. We’ll support the smooth transition of any new ways of working.
  4. Collaborating for ongoing improvement – By making better use of data, we will work with Faculties to make ongoing improvements, develop a consistent approach to business partnering and support our technical services staff.

You can read about each of these priority areas in more detail on the Faculty Futures project webpage.

What work is currently underway?

Over the coming months we will be working with colleagues to progress the priority areas above. In some areas we have already started, for example:

Equipping our people for change

We have hosted a ‘ProcessFix masterclass’ for Directors of Operations and Heads of HR and are now working to tackle a number of processes which are currently pain points. We’re developing some bite-size process improvement training that will be delivered in faculties to help colleagues share best practice and improve how we work.

Higher Education Change Leadership: We’re working with the Organisational Development Team (in HR) to support our Professional Services Senior Leadership Team. We’ll give them access to the latest transformational thinking, methodologies and toolkits to help them lead, champion and implement effective and sustained change.

Smarter ways of working: We ran a training pilot on ‘Building Capacity’ in December for 36 colleagues (from across HR, Arts and Humanities, Social and Historical Sciences, Laws, School of Slavonic and East European Studies and the Institute of Education) to help them improve the way they work. In the training we introduced colleagues to a set of customisable tools for managing their email, project and task workflow and calendar better. Feedback was positive, with one participant telling us “we've made a departmental pledge to reduce email use, starting by agreeing to stop unnecessary emails ('done, 'thanks' etc). Hopefully this is just the start but it was amazing to have everyone agree to something for once!”. We are currently planning a wider rollout to more professional services colleagues in faculties. 

Service transformation skills for the future: From September 2020 we’re planning a series of training sessions for the Professional Services Leadership Team, HR Business Partners and Departmental Managers to help build their transformation and service management skills.

Supporting Faculty strategies

We will be working with Arts and Humanities, Social and Historical Sciences, Laws, School of Slavonic and East European Studies and the Institute of Education to: understand what processes can be improved; look at how we can support our academic staff and students most effectively; deliver improvements in ways of working.

More about Faculty Futures