

Transforming Our Professional Services


Three more teams join the PS Hub

29 January 2020

Colleagues from the Student Fees, Treasury and Financial Services Office (FSO) teams joined the PS Hub this month.

Staff working at a desk in the PS Hub

On Monday 27th January the Student Fees, Treasury and Financial Services Office teams joined the PS Hub at 1 St Martin’s Le Grand (1SMLG). This move was a little later than expected (following some maintenance issues at 1SMLG). The teams join the Estates Helpdesk and Room Booking teams who moved to the Hub in Autumn last year.

As part of the move a number of colleagues from ISD moved from 1SMLG to Bidborough House.

There are now 150 colleagues from 13 different teams in the PS Hub working together to improve service quality across the UCL community and providing aligned and customer-focused services.

The PS Hub is at the forefront of UCL’s growing service culture and has tackled a number of operational challenges, including improving the student experience (by offering a more efficient Portico helpline service) and improving UCL’s cash flow (through streamlining the NHS Billing process).

We look forward to building upon the successes of the PS Hub as we explore opportunities to provide more services in the future. 

More about the PS Hub