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Deane Collection

Archive Collection description: DEN

Deane Collection (circa) 1724

John Deane (1679-1762) entered the Russian Navy in 1711 as a lieutenant and served until 1722 when he returned to Britain. In 1725 he was employed by the British Foreign Office to act officially as a commercial consul in St Petersburg and unofficially as a spy. He went on serve as commercial consul in Flanders before retiring to Britain.
Ref: "Captain John Deane: Mercenary, Diplomat and Spy" by Richard H Warner in "Research in Maritime History", no 3 (Dec 1992), pp 157-173


Manuscript entitled "History of the Russian Fleet during the reign of Peter the Great", long considered anonymous but now thought to have been written by John Deane who served in the navy of Peter the Great (1672-1725).

(circa) 1724

1 volume, manuscript, 79 pp

Condition: front cover detached

(Language) English

Unrestricted access

Publication: manuscript published in Russian as "Istoriya rossiiskago flota v tsarstvovanie Petra Velikago" (St Petersburg, 1897). It was also edited by Vice Admiral Cyprian A G Bridge and published by the Navy Records Association (London, 1899)

A record for this collection is also available on the web site. To see it, please type DEN into the search field.

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This page last modified Friday 23 April 2010.