

Library Services


Kovachev-Chernomorski Collection

Archive Collection description: KOV

Kovachev-Chernomorski Collection (circa) (1932)

Asen St. Kovachev-Chernomorski is believed to be the author of this essay. In 1943 he was librarian of the University of Sofia Library, Bulgaria. The essay is concerned with the Bulgarian literary figure Chernorizeta Khrabur, in legend a pseudonym for King Simeon.


Manuscript entitled "Chernorizeta Khrabur I Slavyanskata Azbuka [and] Za Bukvite ot Chernortizets Khrabur" [Chernorizeta Khrabur and the Cyrillic alphabet and for the letters of Chernortizeta Khrabur].

(circa) 1932

Manuscript, 54 pp

Condition: front cover badly torn

(Language) Bulgarian

Unrestricted access

A record for this collection is also available on the web site. To see it, please type KOV into the search field.

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This page last modified Wednesday 28 April 2010.