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Lamb-Maissa Collection

Archive Collection description: LAM

Lamb-Maissa Collection (c1859-c1923)

An for this collection is available. Please type LAM into the search field to find the catalogue.

Sir Harry Harling Lamb (1857-1948), KCMG, GBE served in the British Diplomatic Service. Born on 15 September 1857 he was educated at Uppingham. After being appointed a Student Interpreter at Constantinople in 1879, he went on to hold consular posts at Philippopolis, Adrianople, Van and Mosul. Between 1886 and 1894 he was posted to Scutari and Cettinjé in Albania. Later he served in Suakin, Sudan, Jeddah, Kurdistan and was Consul-General at Salonica from 1907 to 1913. He was appointed British Commissioner on the International Commission of Control in Albania, in 1913, and took charge of the British Adriatic Mission in 1915. Lamb was attached to the Military Mission at Salonica in 1918, Sofia from January 1919 and served at the British High Commission at Constantinople in 1920. His last post was Consul General at Smyrna in 1921and he retired in 1922. He was married to Sabina, daughter of Commandatore Felice Maissa. (References: 'Who Was Who Volume IV 1941-1950' (London, 1964) and extract from unknown source entitled 'Statement of Services' p.273 (1960s?) Ref LAM/5/3)


Papers of Sir Harry Harling Lamb (1857-1948) and his wife Sabina (née Maissa) chiefly from their time in Albania, comprising five folders and three volumes of notes on Albania, diaries, newspaper cuttings, maps of the area and three photograph albums arranged as follows:

  • LAM/1 Notes on Albania (c.1890-1894)

  • LAM/2 Diaries (1910-1914)

  • LAM/3 Photograph albums (1858-1892)

  • LAM/4 Maps of Albania and the Adriatic (c.1881)

  • LAM/5 Newspaper cuttings on Albania and other publications
(Language) English & Albanian & Italian & French & German & Greek

The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.

Photocopies/photographs/microfilm are supplied for private research only at the Archivist's discretion. Please note that material may be unsuitable for copying on conservation grounds, and that photographs cannot be photocopied in any circumstances. Researchers who wish to publish material must seek copyright permission from the copyright owner. The copyright for the photograph albums remains with the Lamb family.

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This page last modified Thursday 12 March 2009.