
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Loewenson Collection - LOE/2/1-LOE/2/17 item descriptions

LOE/2/1 - Photostat of manuscript re riot in Moscow, 1648 (1648)

Previous number: envelope 12

Contents: photostat of Bodleian Library manuscript (ref. MS Ashm. 826, BP 5054, f. 17-18) entitled "A true historical relation of the horrible tumalt in Moscow on the 22 July 1648, caused by the intolerable taxes and contributions, layed [sic] on the Commonaltie [sic]".

(Languages) English

1 envelope

LOE/2/2 - Photostats from manuscripts re declaration of tsar against French king (1663-1689;1941)

Previous number: item 11, box 1

Contents: photostats obtained by Loewenson in 1941 of Bodleian Library manuscripts ref. MS Ashm. 1131, f. 114 (1663) and MS Ashm. G 12 (170) "A Declaration of the Czaars of Muscovy against the French King" (1689).

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

LOE/2/3 - Photostats re Moscow in 1682 (circa) (1689;1933-1964) (circa)

Previous number: item 4, box 1

Contents: photostats from contemporary publications on events in Moscow in 1682 with transcriptions of some parts.

(Languages) French & German

1 envelope

LOE/2/4 - Photostats of John Deane letter from Moscow and notes from and re other manuscripts (1699;1935-1962) (circa)

Previous number: part of item 8, box 1

Contents: photostat obtained by Loewenson in 1957 of a printed edition in the British Museum Library of a letter from John Deane in Moscow to the Marquess of Carmarthen. Also contains other notes from and re manuscripts in the British Museum Library, some re Russia.

(Languages) English & Latin

1 envelope

See also: archive collection ref. DEN for an original Deane manuscript

LOE/2/5 - Photostat of manuscript re Englishmen in Russia (1705)

Previous number: item 1c, box 1

Contents: photostat of British Museum Library manuscript (ref. Add. MSS 37354) which lists English merchants in Moscow and in the service of the Tsar in 1705.

(Languages) English

1 roll

LOE/2/6 - Photostats from periodical "The Muscovite" (1714;1941)

Previous number: item 10, box 1

Contents: photostats obtained by Loewenson in 1941 from issues 1-3 (1714) of "The Muscovite", the originals of which are probably at the Bodleian Library and related notes.

(Languages) English

1 envelope

LOE/2/7 - Papers including typescripts on Russia and Eastern Europe (1929-1955)

Previous number: box 9

Contents: papers re mainly Russia and libraries including catalogues of art exhibitions, notes and press cuttings. Also contains a few typescripts by Loewenson and others including -

(Languages) English & German & Russian

1 box

LOE/2/8 - Notes from manuscripts re Russia in the British Museum Library (circa) (1933)

Previous number: part of item 1a, box 1

Contents: notes from manuscripts re Russia in the British Museum Library

(Languages) English & Italian & Russian

1 envelope

LOE/2/9 - Bibliography of books and articles on Russia in English (circa) (1933)

Previous number: box 2

Contents: card index bibliography arranged alphabetically by author of twentieth century books and articles on Russia in English. It is not clear why the bibliography in this box is separate from that in LOE/2/10 since they appear to relate to the same topic and were evidently compiled at around the same time.

(Languages) English

1 box

See also a further section of this bibliography is in LOE/1/3 and LOE/1/5.

LOE/2/10 - Bibliography of books and articles on Russia in English (circa) (1933)

Previous number: box 3

Contents: card index bibliography of twentieth century books and articles on Russia in English. The majority of the index is arranged alphabetically by author but there is a small section of cards at the beginning relating to ?Bodleian Library manuscripts, also arranged alphabetically by author and a bibliography of works published during the First World War at the end of the sequence. It is not clear why the bibliography in this box is separate from that in LOE/2/9 since they appear to relate to the same topic and were evidently compiled at around the same time.

(Languages) English

1 box

See also: a further section of this bibliography is in LOE/1/3 and LOE/1/5.

LOE/2/11 - Mss of article by Loewenson re material on Russian history in the British Museum Libary (1934)

Previous number: item 1, box 1

Contents: mss (ts) of article by Loewenson re material on Russian history in the British Museum Library which was published in the "Slavonic and East European Review". Also contains related letter.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

Publication: the article was published in "Slavonic and East European Review" vol 14, no 41, 1936, pp 380-388.

LOE/2/12 - Texts of lecture on Russia given by Loewenson (1936)

Previous number: item 3, box 1

Contents: texts of lecture entitled "A thousand years of Russian government" given by Loewenson to the Institute of Historical Research and various public libraries. Further papers re this lecture are in LOE/2/13. Also contains a copy of "The draft constitution of the Soviet Union".

(Languages) English

1 folder

LOE/2/13 - Papers re lecture on Russia given by Loewenson (1936-1937)

Previous number: item 2, box 1

Contents: correspondence and other papers re lecture entitled "A thousand years of Russian government" given by Loewenson at the Institute of Historical Research and at public libraries. A text of the lecture is in LOE/2/12.

(Languages) English

1 envelope

LOE/2/14 - Bibliography of works re travel to Russia in the British Museum Library (circa) (1936-1939) (circa)

Previous number: part of item 1a, box 1

Contents: bibliography of works re travel to Russia in the British Museum Library.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

LOE/2/15 - Russian-English and English-Russian military vocabulary (circa) (1939-1941) (circa)

Previous number: item 1b, box 1

Contents: Russian-English and English-Russian military vocabulary.

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

LOE/2/16 - Bibliography of books and articles on Russia in SSEES Library (circa) (1940-1956) (circa)

Previous number: box 10

Contents: card index bibliography, arranged alphabetically (A-P) by author, of books and articles on Russia published before around 1925 in SSEES Library.

(Languages) English

1 box

LOE/2/17 - Card index of books and articles on the Balkans in SSEES Library (circa) (1941-1956) (circa)

Previous number: box 11

Contents: card index arranged alphabetically by author, of books and articles on the Balkans published before around 1941in SSEES Library.

(Languages) English

1 box

To LOE/2 class description

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