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Peter Collection

Archive Collection description: PTR

Péter, Professor László Collection (1971-1994)

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Professor László Péter (8 Jul 1929-6 Jun 2008) was Professor of Hungarian History at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES). He studied history and archival studies at the University of Budapest and after working at the county archive in Szolnok returned to Budapest to teach. He was imprisoned during the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and after its suppression left Hungary for Britain, where he studied at Nuffield College, Oxford. In 1963 he took up a lecturing post at SSEES, becoming professor in 1990. Three years later he was elected to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Professor Péter retired in 1994 but continued to edit journals, and organise conferences, including the 2006 conference 'Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution in Hungary and Central Europe'.

Source: Obituaries in 'The Times' (4 August 2008) and 'The Independent' (30 June 2008)


The papers consist of five boxes of correspondence, reports, copy articles, newspaper cuttings and other papers relating chiefly to Romania from the 1970s, especially from the time of the political change in 1989. The focus of the collection is the Hungarian minority in Romania, especially in Transylvania. It is arranged as follows:

  • PTR/1 Press cuttings and articles on Romania (1971-1989)

  • PTR/2 Press cuttings and articles on Transylvania and the Hungarian minority in Romania (1984-1987)

  • PTR/3 Press cuttings and articles on political change in Romania (1986-1991)

  • PTR/4 Press cuttings and articles on Romania after 1989 (1989-1992)

  • PTR/5 Correspondence (1988-1994)

(Languages) English, German, Hungarian

Unrestricted access, except for PTR 5/3 which has restricted access


Péter, László, 'Espersit János (1879-1931): ismeretlen adatok Juhász Gyula és József Attila életéhez, költészetéhez' (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955)

Péter, László (Ed.), 'Historians and the History of Transylvania' (Boulder; New York: East European Monographs: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1992)

Péter, László, 'Így élt Juhász Gyula' (Budapest: Móra Könyvkiadó, c1980)

Péter, László, 'Az Elbától kelertre: tanulmányok a magyar és kelet-európai történelembol' (Budapest: Osiris Kiadó, 1998)

Péter, László; Rady, Martyn (Eds.), 'Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution in Hungary and Central Europe: Commemorating 1956' (London: Hungarian Cultural Centre London, UCL, 2008)

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This page last modified Wednesday 19 August 2009.