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Redward Collection

Archive Collection description: RED

Redward Collection (1956)

Frank Gann Redward (1896-1965) was born in Gillingham, Kent. During the First World War he served first in the Royal Naval Air Service and then in the Royal Naval Volunteer Regiment, being with the Danube Flotilla in 1919. He was transferred to the British High Commission in Hungary in 1920 and continued in the Foreign Service there until 1941 when he was evacuated via the Soviet Union. He returned to Hungary in 1945 with the Inter-Allied Control Commission, leaving in 1948.


Memoir entitled "In Europe's boiling pot: memories of a salior turned diplomat". This provides an account of the inter-war years in Hungary and throw light on the general history of Central and South-East Europe.


1 volume, typescript, carbon copy

(Language) English

Unrestricted access

A record for this collection is also available on the web site. To see it, please type RED into the search field.

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This page last modified Tuesday 7 February 2012.