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Rose (Margaret Tatiana) Collection

Archive Collection description: ROM

Rose (Margaret Tatiana) Collection (1988)


PH.d thesis submitted by Margaret Tatiana Rose to Hull University entitled "Philips Price and the Russian Revolution". Morgan Philips Price (1885-?) was correspondent for "The Manchester Guardian" in Russia from 1914 to 1918. He was a founder member of the Union of Democratic Control which opposed Britain's entry into the First World War. His reports from Russia became increasingly radical and supportive of the Bolsheviks and were eventually censored.


1 volume, typescript, 442 pp

(Language) English

Access on condition that no quotation from this thesis or information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author, Dr M T Rose

A record for this collection is also available on the web site. To see it, please type ROM into the search field.

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This page last modified Tuesday 11 May 2010.