

Library Services


Wilde Collection

Archive Collection description: WID

Wilde Collection (1920-1968)

An online catalogue for this collection is available.

Johannes Wilde (1891-1970) was a Hungarian émigré to Britain and art historian. He became Professor of the History of Art, University of London, 1950-1958 and Deputy director of the Courtauld Institute of Art, 1948-1961. He became a fellow of the British Academy in 1951.


Letters to Wilde, mostly from his brother Dr Ferenc Wilde in Budapest and other family members. The correspondence mostly relates to personal matters but there are also references to the art world and to political events including the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Also contains a diary of events in Budapest during the Second World War written by Wilde's sister Margit Wilde.

12 boxes

(Language) Hungarian & English & (small amount) German

Unrestricted access

A record for this collection is also available on the web site. To see it, please type WID into the search field.

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This page last modified Thursday 3 June 2010.